Propose a Study Group

Study groups are organized and led or co-led by OLLI members on a wide variety of topics designed to encourage active discussion and engagement. Study groups meet during multiple sessions throughout the year, and typically meet for six sessions.

Member-facilitated study groups continue to expand and reach new audiences, and many of our members report that the discussion-oriented, interactive format of the study groups is the most rewarding part of their OLLI experience.

Recent study group topics have included:
• Not Your Mother's Soap Opera: Why are International Soap Operas So Popular?
• A New History of Humanity: The Dawn of Everything
• Early Art of the African Continent. Part One: The Sahel, Savannah, Western African, and Guinea Coast
• Decisions and Consequences in Foreign Films
• The Writers’ Café

This is just a small sampling of the exciting conversations that have been fostered by OLLI study groups.

Ideas and proposals are always welcomed — and we urge you to consider becoming a study group participant or facilitator! If you are interested in proposing a study group, please complete the form found at this link: Study Group Proposal Form