Fall 2024 OLLI members, Annual 2024-2025 members, and recipients of gift memberships MUST reset the password that was automatically generated for you when we created your account. To do so, please
- Click sign-in link (in blue bar)
- Click "Reset My Password" at the very bottom of the "Sign in to Existing Account." (Leave username and email address blank at this step).
- On this Reset My Password page, enter your assigned username (usually initial of first name and last name - all one word). Click Reset My Password.
- You will receive an email with a link. Click link. (If link is not clickable on your device, please copy and paste).
- On linked page, enter your username, email, and password of your choice. Confirm your password. Click Reset My Password.
- You should see a green message that indicates your password has been reset. When you sign in to your account, you will see, "Welcome, {your first name}" on the far left side of the blue bar.
If you have problems resetting your password, please review our Step-by-Step Guide for Resetting your password.