
OLLI at Illinois is a member-centered community that is guided by a volunteer Advisory Council and seven standing committees comprised of members representing a wide variety of backgrounds.

Curriculum Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Curriculum Committee is responsible for developing a stimulating, well-balanced schedule of courses for the fall and spring semesters. The committee meets once per month for one hour; during peak review times, some meetings may be longer.


The committee works in partnership with the OLLI Director to identify instructors and topics that will result in a diverse, intellectually stimulating curriculum; reviews course and instructor evaluations to assess past performance and determine future directions; approves and refines course proposals; and assesses course policies and evaluation procedures. The OLLI Director has sole hiring responsibility for all course instructors, and committee members may not discuss hiring details or terms of employment with any potential or current instructors.

Curriculum Committee Members

  • Joe Finnerty, Chair
  • Dale Bauer
  • Ann Benefiel-Kunkel
  • Brenda Berg
  • Trisha Crowley
  • Patty Porter
  • Kendall Rafter
  • Ed Roy
  • Barbara Schleicher
  • Paula Watson
  • Sally Anderson, Council Liaison

Development Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Development Committee works with the OLLI Director and Advisory Council to plan and implement fundraising activities that help to meet OLLI’s financial goals. The committee meets every other month for one hour.


In accordance with university policies and procedures, the Development Committee works with the Director and Council to plan and implement fundraising to help meet OLLI’s financial goals. Members may not approach individuals or agencies on behalf of OLLI without prior approval from the Director.

  • Joan Tousey, Chair
  • David Gross
  • Marne Helgesen
  • Donna Offenbecher
  • Renee Potter
  • Paula Kaufman, Council Liaison

eNews Committee

Statement of Purpose

The eNews Committee works in consultation with the OLLI Director to plan, assign, write, design, and distribute an electronic newsletter for members and others on the OLLI at Illinois mailing list. The committee will also produce special issues as they deem appropriate.


The committee meets once per month to generate feature stories, columns, member-feedback sections, and other content; enhances OLLI’s social media presence by posting content on Facebook; and assesses reader responses and user data.

eNews Committee Members

  • Eileen Kohen, Chair
  • Barbara Meyer, Technical Specialist
  • Casey Sutherland, Technical Specialist
  • Liz Abraham
  • Robin Goettel
  • Bonnie Hudson
  • Frank Modica
  • Jean Paley
  • Cecile Steinberg
  • Sharon Williams, Council Liaison

Lecture Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Lecture Committee is responsible for developing a stimulating, well-balanced schedule of lectures throughout the year. The committee meets every other month for one hour.


The Lecture Committee works in consultation with the OLLI Director to identify speakers and topics that will result in a diverse, intellectually stimulating series of lectures; reviews lecture evaluations to assess past performance and determine future directions; approves and helps coordinate speaker events; and establishes and assesses lecture policies and evaluation procedures.

Lecture Committee Members

  • Wynne Korr, Chair
  • Mark David
  • Jean Holley
  • Anna Merritt
  • Bruce Michelson
  • Elizabeth Felts Olmsted
  • Alice Tiso
  • Ann Campbell, Council Liaison

Marketing Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Marketing Committee works with OLLI staff to promote OLLI to the broader community, recruit new members, and establish community partners. The committee will help design and distribute marketing materials, assist with social media posts, maintain a list of local media outlets, and maintain data on marketing efforts. The committee meets every other month for one hour.


The committee develops a marketing strategy each year and works with the director and staff to implement that strategy.

Marketing Committee Members

  • Matt Gorman, Chair
  • Roger Epperson
  • Karen Reifsteck
  • Bruce Walker
  • Jerry Soesbe, Council Liaison

Membership Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Membership Committee creates and implements plans for the orientation and retention of OLLI members. The committee meets every other month for one hour.


The committee is responsible for welcoming new members through personalized letters and new-member orientation sessions held prior to the start of each semester; and reaching out to new and returning members at informal activities designed to engage and sustain OLLI membership. The committee also assists the OLLI staff in arranging and staffing the Annual Meeting and special events throughout the year, and in distributing course catalogs and other marketing materials.

Membership Committee Members

  • Jan Siders, Chair
  • John Best
  • Joyce Eisenstein
  • Judith Federmeier
  • Cathy Flood
  • Christina Myers
  • Mike Murphy
  • Chris Whippo
  • Sherry Wilson
  • Frank Chadwick, Council Liaison

Study Group Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Study Group Committee develops and approves a schedule of peer-led discussion groups on a wide variety of topics. The committee meets once per month for one hour; during peak review times, some meetings may be longer.


The committee provides support and guidance to study group facilitators through workshops and training meetings; encourages member participation in the facilitation of groups and suggestion of potential topics; reviews and approves study group proposals; and assesses proposal policies and evaluation procedures.

Study Group Committee Members

  • Linda Coleman, Chair
  • Mary Avelis
  • Roy Campbell
  • Joyce Eisold
  • Kathy Marshak
  • Sallie Miller
  • Claudia Reich, Council Liaison