OLLI Study Group Proposal Form

A Study Group ideally is a group of 12-18 OLLI members who come together for 4-8 sessions to discuss materials dealing with a specific topic.  It is proposed and facilitated by a member or other volunteer leader and is designed for those who enjoy active participation.


Types of study groups (please circle the type that best describes the study group you are proposing):


1)       Facilitator leads all sessions.

a.       Most study materials are chosen by the facilitator.

b.      Group members supplement these materials with their own readings and knowledge.

2)      A team of facilitators leads all sessions.

a.       Facilitator team chooses most study materials.

b.      Group members supplement these materials with their own readings and knowledge.

3)      Facilitator asks for participants to lead some sessions.

a.       Original discussion materials are chosen by the facilitator.

b.      Subsequent volunteer leaders may choose their own materials for individual discussions.

c.       Group members supplement these materials with their own readings and knowledge.

4)      Facilitator chooses to follow the Shared Inquiry or Modified Shared Inquiry approach to discussion.  (Great Books uses this method and has materials available.)

a.       The facilitator chooses the study material and uses prepared questions.  He/she may or may not participate in the discussions.

b.      Other members of the group may sometimes serve as facilitators and choose materials.

c.       Group members supplement these materials with their own readings and knowledge.


Title of Study Group you would like to facilitate:


Your Name (s):


Your email address (es): 


Your phone number (s) (daytime contact):


Brief description of Study Group topic and/or activity: (please indicate any prerequisites or specialized knowledge needed, such as computer skills):






Suggested number of sessions:



Suggested topics for each session:







Intersession period you prefer to offer this Study Group:  (Nov. – Jan.)  (April – May)

(June – July)  (August – September).  The OLLI study group calendar may be found at: 




Reading materials and source, if any: 






Please briefly describe your knowledge, interest and experience with this topic:







If you have questions about your proposal, please contact Janet Summers, jis@illinois.edu or 244-9141